Thankful Thursday – Winter Solstice
Today is the Winter Solstice, which means it’s the shortest day and longest night of the year. After today, our days slowly become longer and the ground will warm up and we’ll be in the throws of spring… but for some of us, this is a slower process than for others (looking at you MN and ND)… with winter finally here, we slow down and look back on where we’ve been; and as the new year approaches we look forward to where we’re going.
As I reflect on this last year and all the things that have happened, all the good things and the bad, I can’t help but feel grateful. This last year was one of the most difficult and trying years I’ve had in a long time (more on that later), but also one of the most rewarding.
So for this week’s Thankful Thursday, I’m giving shout outs to moments in 2017 that meant a lot…
- The biggest event in 2017 is also the one I credit for things turning around for us: when we bought our new home. This was such a big deal for us because this house is pretty much our dream home. Once we moved in, all these other pieces fell into place for us. I no longer question life here in GA.
- I’m thankful for the trips this year too: CO, NM, SC, MD, IA and MA. For being “fun-employed” I did travel a lot!
- The quiet times… I had more than enough time on my hands this year and sometimes it felt suffocating… but it was because of those times I was able to do such healing and growth. I couldn’t have faced my shadows without all this time on my hands.
- Definitely grateful for the new friends I’ve made this year. It’s hard as eff to make friends as an adult – especially when you’re not working (so you’re not socializing in a regular way)… but the few friends I’ve made this year are incredible and it’s more evidence that “your vibe attracts your tribe”.
- I already dedicated an entire post to my support system – but I couldn’t be where I am today without them and so they get another mention here. You folks know who you are.
- And last but not least – to all the moments & opportunities that allow me to create and focus on Sage & Crow. I’m so humbled and overwhelmed by what’s happening – in a great way!
What are you thankful for today?
Sending you all the love!