Thankful Thursday – Dec 7, 2017
Years ago, I used to follow this blog from Gala Darling, and every week she would compile a list of things she found online that she fell in love with for that week, to share with everyone else. Sometimes she included things she was thankful for and she called this weekly entry “Things I Love Thursday” or TILT.
I adopted the idea of TILT in previous blogs and even text messages with friends, where I’d list 5-10 things I was thankful for on that day. Sometimes it was reminiscing about seasons or fond memories, but the point was to reflect on things I was thankful for.
The practice of reflecting on what you’re thankful for is nothing new, and can be found all over: the book The Magic by Rhonda Byrne is a 28 day exercise in the practice of a gratitude journal; there are actual gratitude journals everywhere (just check out this quick Google search I did to see for yourself); and every spiritual life coach I’ve ever followed speaks to this practice as an essential step in living your best life. I even have a very dear friend who still writes out daily gratitude lists after reading that book so many years ago. (I’m sending you a virtual hug friend!)
With all that being said, and now that you’re somewhat familiar with my own background regarding the topic, I present to you with a semi-regular, weekly-ish entry you’ll find here at Sage & Crow – Thankful Thursday. (Let’s make that a hashtag too!)
For my first Thankful Thursday, I wanted to speak to my support system. My tribe. I just officially launched this site a few days ago, and the outpouring of love and support I’m receiving is incredible. Blame it on Mercury Retrograde or my sensitivity, but I have been crying tears of joy for days because of you folks! And while I don’t even have my store open yet, I’m already getting requests for products. This is humbling in such a huge way! I wouldn’t be here today, in this amazing place of being a handmade creator with a blog, if you all didn’t support me in the fantastic ways that you do!
So here’s to you friends & family, who’ve commented on social media, shared posts and sent texts. You are the reason I’m doing this!
Let’s keep Thankful Thursday going. Let’s make it a “thing”. I’d love to see your gratitude lists (even if it’s just 1 bullet point) in the comments.
Sending you all the love!
And just to add that touch of personal to this week’s entry, I’m also posting pictures of some of you! LOOK! You’re on the internet!!! Like the actual internet!!!
In no particular order, here’s some of my tribe….
Although we may be far apart, you will always be part of my tribe!!